

Monday, October 6, 2014

1st grade weekly news 10-6-14

Hi everyone, hope you had a great weekend...what about those ROYALS!  So exciting!

Anyway, below is some new information for this week so take a peek!

October newsletter- will be handed out tomorrow, and it has a lot of information on it about this busy month!  There is also information about our Halloween party!

Zoo Field Trip- we usually take our field trip in the spring, but decided to take it now in the fall.  We will be going on November 7th.  The first grade teachers are just now getting an informational letter out now because we had to wait on it to be approved.  This field trip informational letter will be coming home tomorrow as well, so please look it over!

Reading testing- I have started testing, and will have your child's reading level information for you at conferences.

Weekly Homework- thank you for spending some time with your child to get their weekly homework done.  It shows your child that you care about their education, and that school is important!  It also teaches them responsibility, because they have to complete it on time and turn it in to me on Fridays.  I try to make homework stuff that takes less than 15 minutes, so hopefully finding time to complete it isn't hard.

Community Family Projects- we are finally done sharing them!  Thank you for spending some time with your child and completing this project with them, they had fun making and sharing!  They also did a great job presenting, and it will go toward their Speaking and Listening grade on their grade card.

That is all I have, if you have any questions or concerns please call or email me!

Have a great week!  


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