

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1st grade weekly news 1-26-15

Good morning!  I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend!  Below are some updates for this week...

Parent/Teacher conferences- they are coming up on Feb. 11th and 12th.  I sent home conference notes last week with scheduled dates and times.  I based these days and times off of what we had for our previous conference in October.  If that time doesn't work for you, please let me know ASAP so we can get another date and time figured out.  Also...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE return the conference sheet back in to me whether we are having a conference or not.  We have to turn all of them into the office.  I will be sending home reminder slips on our date and time next week.

Weekly Spelling- The phonics sheet that I am sending home every week now with the homework will help your child prepare for the test on Friday.  The words practiced go a long with our skill that week.

Toys- Some are being brought to school, and I am having to take them away.  Things like Lego's, or tablets, are causing some problems, and I have told the kids they are not allowed.  If you could help me keep an eye out that would be great!

Valentines Party- our class party will be on Feb. 12th.  It is a half day of school.  The party will start at 10:15 and end around 11:00.  The kids will be dismissed at 11:30.  The Room Parents are getting everything ready and put together, so everything is covered.  If you would like to join us for the party that is great, all are welcome.  If you want to take your child home with you that day after the party, please let the office know, and there will be a sign-out sheet in my room.

2nd grade- I have started using the statement "you guys are almost second graders now" a lot in the room just to reinforce responsibility and behavior.  If you could help encourage those things at home as well that would be great!  

That is all I have for this week.  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me :)
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1st grade weekly news 1-20-15

Hope everyone had a great three day weekend!  Below is this week's news...

There is no homework this week!  Since it is a short week, and we have a lot to catch up on in the classroom I decided none this go around :)  But, please read at home.  Splashmath and RAZkids is also an option!

Spring parent/teacher conferences are in February.  I sent out conference notes on Friday.  Please make sure you have your child turn it back in to me signed ASAP so I can confirm yes or no.

Since I did not send homework, our specials are below :)

Tue- Music/P.E.     Wed.- Technology      Thurs.- Music/P.E.    Fri.- Art

That is all I have for this week.  Call or email if you have any concerns or questions!
Monday, January 12, 2015

1st grade weekly news 1-12-15

Hope everyone had a good Monday!  There are only a few things for this week, so take a peek below!

Body venture will be at our school tomorrow.  The kids will be participating in lots of learning activities about the body, and they will be walking through an exhibit set up in the gym.  Please make sure your child is wearing SOCKS AND TENNIS SHOES tomorrow.  Otherwise they won't be able to walk through.

Also, Grade Cards went home on Friday.  If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to call or email me.  I am still in the process of calling and emailing parents just to give a quick update about 2nd quarter.  February conferences are coming up soon, so my recent email/phone call will be short and sweet!  I will be sending home conference information soon.
*Please remember to return the grade card envelope back to school signed for the 2nd nine weeks.

We have started Reading Groups for 3rd quarter.  Please make sure that your kiddo is reading at home as much as possible.  I know the kiwi bag books can get old, but it really helps with fluency!  Also, please make sure they have their books in their kiwi bag everyday.  We want them to be on level G at the end of 3rd quarter.

That is all I have for this week.  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.

Have a great week!
Monday, January 5, 2015

1st grade weekly news 1-6-15

Hi everybody!  Hope everyone had a wonderful winter break!  It is never long enough...

There are a few things for this week when the kids come back so take a peek below!

Our January newsletter has been emailed out and will be sent home tomorrow in Purple folders for those who want a hard copy.  There are a few things going on this month, so please read through the newsletter.

Body Venture is a wonderful program that will be coming to our school on Tuesday, Jan. 13th.  They will be setting up a exhibit in the gym for the kids to go through to learn about the body.  The kids will get to do different stations and participate in different learning activities.  Please have your child wear socks and tennis shoes that day.  Our class will go through the exhibit 10:55-12:00.

Our school has just purchased a math program called Reflex.  It allows the kids to review their basic addition and subtraction facts so they can improve their fact recall.  We are trying to improve basic fact recall from memory instead of counting on our fingers or using other objects.  We will be using this program in grades 1-3.  The kids will be using it on the iPads and Computers during our math block.  The kids will officially start using the program on Jan, 12th, but I will be sending home a parent letter explaining all of the details of the program tomorrow, so please be looking for that.  It will have your child's personal log-in and password so that you and I can track their progress.

Thinking ahead- The second round of Parent/Teacher conferences are Wednesday, Feb. 11th 4-8 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 12th 1-8 p.m.  I will be sending out information on those soon, as well as sign-up times.

So, not much for this week, but just wanted to put a few things in here to be looking ahead for.  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a wonderful week!