

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Last Night's Parent Meeting

Thank you to all who came out to the 1st grade Parent Meeting last night!  I hope you left feeling informed and prepared :)  Below is the link to click to watch our video that I couldn't show last night...take a peek!

1st Grade Quest for Learning video

For those who couldn't make it, I sent home a Ziploc baggie of all the information that was handed out.  Some of the sheets need to be returned, but some do not.  If you could return those sheets into me ASAP that would be great!

I will try and get the Class Directory copied and handed out early next week so be looking for that to come home in the purple Take Home folder!

Also, please keep in mind that our class schedule and 1st Grade Handbook is located in the back of your child's purple folder...and also the website!  So, use it as needed.

Also, if you filled out a Parent Helper sheet, I will be contacting you within a week or so to work out the details...I will put you to work no worries! :)  Thanks for volunteering your time, the kids and I really appreciate it!

*Homework is due Friday (don't have kiwi bag books yet so read from home)
*Book orders are due Tuesday, Sept. 2nd
*No school Monday

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me!

Have a great rest of the week, and enjoy the 3-day weekend!
Monday, August 18, 2014

Our First Day Back!

The kids and I had a WONDERFUL first day!  Thank you for entrusting me with your child, we are going to have a great year...I am really excited!  I attached two really cute pictures for you to look at! 

A few things for this week... 

Tonight I sent home a purple folder with your child’s name on it.  This is their “Take Home Folder” and it needs to be taken home and brought back to school each day.  It has your child’s monthly behavior chart in it, as well as our class schedule and the First Grade Handbook.  However, I will be going over this more in depth at our Parent Meeting.  Which is…

August 26th at 6:00 p.m. 
We will meet here in the classroom first and then at 6:30 go to the gym to listen to Mrs. Grable give a presentation.
I hope to see you there!

Also, I am in the process of updating this classroom blog/website…it’s looking pretty cool!  So if you have a chance to take a peek go for it!  I will be constantly updating it and using it as a communication tool with you!  The url is

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email me.  Have a great week!