

Friday, November 21, 2014

1st grade weekly news 11-21-14

Hey everyone!  So this week has been crazy!!!  Read below and I will tell you why...

So, our wonderful Technology teacher wrote a grant and received money to purchase a class set of iPads for the school to share and bring into their room for an entire day.  Our class was the first to try it out.  We had the entire iPad cart in our room Thursday and Friday this week.  The kids absolutely loved it and they each had their own for the entire day.  We found apps to use to fit with our daily curriculum of math, reading, and science and the kids had a blast!  Sadly, the iPad cart is now going to another first grade classroom to be used :(.  But, it was exciting and hopefully we will get to have them again!

Next week is so short (2 days and then Turkey break!) so there will be some changes.  Check them out below!

No Homework- there will not be any because that is silly and I don't want to give any for Thanksgiving break.  However, please make sure you kiddo is still READING!  2nd quarter reading testing is coming up in December and we want to continue seeing those reading levels move up!

No Spelling- we will not have a spelling test either.  I did notice that some kids practiced for this week's test by using the Family Times sheet, I saw much better scores!  Way to go!

December newsletter- will be sent home next week so be looking for that!  I will also have it here on our website!

Splash Math- a new, fun, kid-friendly, educational math website that I found that the kids will be using here in the classroom.  It correlates with our new Common Core State Standards for first grade and is also engaging!  It allows the teacher to look at data and measure progress for how the students are doing in certain concepts (ex: addition, subtraction, geometry, etc.)  We will start using this website Monday during math.  Each student will have their log in.  I also have it set up to where they can bring their log in information home and can get on the website at home for extra practice.  With your permission, I can add your parent email to our classroom account and you will be sent a weekly email from the website that allows you to see their progress.  I will send home a slip with the kids Monday and you may choose yes for a weekly email, or no.  If you want to check it out for yourself the link is below!

That is all I have for the our short week coming up.  If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, November 10, 2014

1st grade weekly news 11-11-14

We have a full 5 days of teaching and learning this week!  Take a peek below to find out what is going on...

Field Trip- it was a success!  It turned out to be a really nice day out, and we got to see most of the animals!  We actually saw more than we did last year during the spring.  The kids looked like they had a great time, and thank you parents for joining us!

Purple Take Home Folders- I know life at home is busy and can be hectic at times, but please make sure you are checking your child's back pack and purple folder every night.  I do send home some things, and the school does as well.  To stay informed the folder and back pack need to be checked frequently throughout the week.  Some of the kids' folders are so full they are about to explode!  This worries me a little, and makes me think that you might not be seeing their graded work, or other informational notes that are coming home...Eeeekkk!

Grades- Please make sure you are actually looking at their work that is coming home, especially things that have been graded by me.  This will give you a good idea of how they are doing with certain concepts or skills.  I try to grade, and enter grades onto Skyward as quick as I can but sometimes it takes me a while.  If you ever have any questions about a score that comes home please call or email me.

Kiwi bag- Please make sure this is being checked nightly as well.  The kids have nightly reading homework with their book.  Use the blue and green "helpful" sheets in there as well when reading with your child.  And please make sure the books go back into the bag and come to school everyday.

Weekly Homework- I was just putting in spelling grades and noticed that I don't think some of the kids are getting enough practice with the weekly skill.  When grading homework I have noticed that some are doing the "Family Times" worksheet activities, which is AWESOME!  That sheet has the weekly spelling list words on it and gives you things you can do at home to practice.  If you notice that your child is missing a few words on their tests, then this would be a good thing to do.  The school does not want us sending home a "spelling list" to practice and memorize, but if you do these activities if will help their spelling score tremendously.  And the activities don't take longer than 5 minutes.

Please remember how important it is to check back packs and folders, and to also read nightly!

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me!

Have a great week!  Brrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!  

Monday, November 3, 2014

1st grade weekly news 11-3-14

Hello everyone!  Hope you had a nice weekend.  Below is some information for this week so take a peek!

November newsletter- I sent it home in their backpacks today so take a peek!

Zoo Field Trip- I sent home a blue reminder sheet with lots of information on it, so check it out and read through all of it! We will be going to the zoo this Friday!  If you are a parent that is coming, I should already have you marked down, but I will be handing out Parent Volunteer sheets Friday morning before we get on the buses to leave.  We usually pair kids up with volunteers, and we have plenty parents going so some will be paired and some won't.  You of course will get to walk around with your own child :)

Homework- this week's homework is fun!  Today we read the story called "Turkey Trouble," and the turkey disguised himself as different things so the farmer wouldn't eat him on Thanksgiving.  Well, I sent home a blank turkey template so the kids can have fun and disguise their turkey for Thanksgiving.  I attached directions to go a long with it.  There is no writing or anything needed, just decorating :)  Have fun with it!

That is all I have for this week.  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.

Have a wonderful week!