

Monday, March 30, 2015

1st grade weekly news 3-30-15

Hi there!  Hope everyone will get a chance to enjoy the nice weather!  Below are some important updates for this week so take a peek!

Box Tops- the contest will be ending tomorrow (Tuesday), so please have your kiddo turn any that you have at home before then.

April newsletter- will be coming home sometime this be looking for it either in your child's purple folder, in an email, or on our class blog :)

1st grade music program- is next Tuesday April 7th at 6:30.  Mrs. Teldhorst would like the kids to arrive at 6:15.  You may walk them down to our classroom where they will wait with me until it begins.  Please make sure you read over the green note that she sent home last tells when, where, and what to wear.

Counselor lesson- this month she is doing a good touch, bad touch lesson.  A note went home about it last week.  You only need to sign and return it if you don't want your child to participate in the lesson.

Checking folders- please make sure you are checking the front and back pocket at least 3 times a week.  Some of the kiddos folders are getting really full, and I want to make sure you are looking at their graded work coming home, as well as the information being passed out at school.

If you have any questions or concerns call or email me.  Have a great week!


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