

Monday, March 2, 2015

1st grade weekly news 3-2-15

Hi there!  Hope everyone had a great weekend...even though the weather probably kept us all inside.  Below you will find information about this week...

The March newsletter has been emailed out and sent home so take a peek!  On it you will find what we will be learning this month, as well as birthdays, important dates, and notes to parents.

Spring Pictures are tomorrow!  Every child will take an individual, and we will also take a group shot.  They will be developed and sent home with you, and you will have the chance to purchase if you would like.

Dr. Suess spirit week is taking place in honor of Dr. Suess' birthday.  Today was dress like your favorite character, tomorrow is Crazy socks, Wed. is Neon day, Thurs. is hat day, and Friday is pajama day.
Also sent home was a weekly reading sheet.  It is a picture of The Cat in the Hat's hat :).  If your child does their nightly reading Monday-Thursday and then returns their sheet to school on Thursday or Friday, they will get to participate in pajama day!  Read, read, read, and read some more!

Book orders will be sent home tomorrow, and since I am a day late getting them out, the due date won't be until Monday of next week.

I am in the middle of getting all of the kids tested for their new reading levels.  When I am done, I will send home information to let you know where they are at the end of this 3rd quarter.  We would like for all of them to be reading at a level G right now, and then at a level I at the end of the year.

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a great week!


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