

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1st grade weekly news 2-3-14

Well, the groundhog saw his shadow...I'm not impressed!  Bring on spring!  I have some important information below of things going on in our classroom so take a look.

February newsletter is uploaded to our website.  And for those parents who still wanted a paper copy, it came home yesterday.  Please read through it.  It is short and sweet but also keeps you updated for things happening this month.

Valentines Party will be next week on Thursday, Feb. 12th.  Any parents are welcome to join.  The party will start at 10:15 and end at 11:00.  Since it is a half day of school dismissal will be at 11:30. If you are taking your child home with you that day there will be a sign out sheet in my room.  Room parents may come in as early at 9:50 to start setting up.
*I have been asked about a class list for valentines...there is a class list on the website under "Class Info."  I was hoping to save paper, but I will send one home later this week as well.

Parent/teacher conferences are Wed. Feb. 11th 4-8 p.m. and Thurs. Feb. 12th 1-8 p.m.  I sent home reminders of our day and time yesterday.  I am looking forward to talking with you about your child.

Reading at home and doing the weekly homework is very important.  In order to move up in reading levels your child should be reading as much as they can at home.  The books in kiwi bags are very important.  We want all students to be reading at a level G by the end of this 3rd quarter.
I try to make the weekly homework easy and painless.  The phonics sheet that I have started sending home has our 10 spelling words on it.  So it is great practice before the test Friday.

That is all!  If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a great week.  


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