

Monday, January 27, 2014

First grade weekly news 1-27-14

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Below are some important things for upcoming events...

Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Wednesday, Feb. 12th from 4-8 p.m. and Thursday, Feb. 13th from 1-8 p.m.  I sent a note home last week letting you know if I felt a conference was needed or not.  Please make sure the date and time work for you, if they don't please email or call me ASAP so we can reschedule for a time that works.  If I will not be meeting with you, I will still be contacting you through phone or email before grade cards come out about your child's progress this quarter.  

Thursday, Feb. 13th will be a half-day of school due to conferences.  It will also be the day that we have our classroom Valentines party.  It will start at 10:30 and the kids will be dismissed from school at 11:30.  If you plan on taking your child home that day please make sure to sign the sign-out sheet.

Next week's homework is important.  The kids will be making their own Valentine's box to use to keep their valentines in.  I will have directions and information attached to next week's homework!

I am also sending home our February newsletter this week.  On the back, I have included our class list for valentine purposes.  Please encourage your child to write them :).  Also, remember that there is a class list of names on our webpage!!!

That is all I can think of right now, if you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a great week!


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