

Monday, March 23, 2015

1st grade weekly news 3-23-15

Hi everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful spring break…the weather was amazing (for the most part)!

Please read our classroom updates for this week!

Grade cards were sent home today.  Please look over them, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to call or email me.  After you have looked over the grade card, please make sure to sign the envelope and have your child return it to school.  We reuse the same envelope each time grade cards go home.

New reading groups have started!  I will be letting you know what level your child is at, and what we will be focusing on this last quarter sometime this week through a phone call or email. 

The Box Tops contest is almost over, so if you have some at home PLEASE SEND THEM IN!!!  They are a really good way to help our school raise money.

A letter from Ms. Parsons (counselor) is coming home today.  She will be coming in to each classroom during April to talk about “good touch and bad touch.”  The paper only has to be returned if you DO NOT want your child to participate in the lesson. 

We have started our last quarter, and I know things get really busy during spring…but please make sure your child is reading at home as much as possible, as well as taking part in their weekly homework.  Splash Math and RAZKids are great things to do at home as well! 

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me, have a fantastic week!    


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