

I Can

Below you will find all of the I Can statements for First Quarter.  These statements match the new Common Core Standards and allow you to see what your child will be asked to do.

Q1: English Language Arts 

Instructional reading level goal: level D

I can answer questions about key details in a text.
I can tell what a story is about and tell the important parts.
I can tell the meaning of fiction and non-fiction.
With prompting and support, I can read prose and poetry.

Informational text
I can answer questions about key details in a text.
I can read informational text that are appropriately complex for first grade.

Foundational Skills
I can identify a sentence that has a beginning capital letter and end punctuation.
I can orally produce single syllable words by blending and substituting phonemes.
I can use spelling-sound correspondences to spell and decode words.
I can read grade level text smoothly and with accuracy.

I can write events that happened first, next, and last.
I can revise and edit my writing with my teacher.
I can research a topic with my teacher and/or class and write about it.

Speaking and Listening
I can discuss a topic with my classmates and ask questions.
I can follow the rules for talking with my classmates.
I can ask and answer questions to learn more about something.
I can ask good questions about what a speaker says.
I can use pictures or things to help people understand me.
I can talk in complete sentences.

I can use capital letters and punctuation appropriately when writing.
I can use conventional spelling for common spelling patterns.
I can spell other words phonetically.
I can put words in groups that are the same.
I can use words and phrases I learned through reading and listening.

Q1: Math

Operations & Algebraic Thinking
I can solve addition and subtraction word problems with unknown numbers in all positions thru 10 by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number.
I can add numbers in any order and get the same answer.
I can use counting to help me add and subtract within 12.
I can solve equations with missing numbers.

Number and Operations in Base Ten
I can start at any number and count, read, and write to 19.
I can compare two-digit numbers using symbols from 0-19.

Measurement & Data



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