

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1st grade weekly news 9-16-14

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  Below are some updates for this week...

Reviewing behaviors- I have been seeing a lot of touching going on in our room.  Therefore, I addressed it again with the kids this morning.  We had a serious talk about how we need to keep our hands to ourselves and they should never be on others.  We talked about the consequences, and we also discussed how even if they are trying to be nice (give a hug, tell a friend something, etc.) that they don't need to put their hands on them.  Hopefully the discussion today helped.

Picture Day- is Friday!  We have our pictures around 11:00, and there will be no Piper Purple that day.  Make sure the order form is filled out and sent to school with your child Friday morning, unless you did it online.  But, I still need the printed out form if you completed your order online.

New Student- two weeks ago we had a student move away, so we went down to 23.  We got a new student in our class on Monday and the kids were excited, so now we are back up to 24.  I went ahead and edited the class list and class directory here on the website.  The kids are already familiar with their class number and everything so the new student is not in alphabetical order, I put him the open spot to make it easier.  If you would like a new copy sent home please email me and let me know.

MAP test- the kids will be taking their first MAP test this year during computer class this week.  I will be in there with them to see how they do.  I will share the results with you at Conferences in October!

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me, have a great week!


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