

Sunday, November 24, 2013

First Grade Weekly News 11-25-13

Very short week this week...but there are more than a few updates below so take a peek!

The Dec. newsletter has been uploaded to the website, and will be sent home this week before Thanksgiving break so you can get a heads up on whats to come.  Please Please Please read through it.  

There will be NO HOMEWORK this week since we only have 2 days of school.  However, I will keep books in the kids kiwi bags so please make sure they are still reading over break.  Reading testing for 2nd quarter will start the 2nd week of Dec. and we want to see them go up in levels.

Another note about homework- please make sure you are finding a time during the week to sit down with your child and get it completed.  I know we all have busy lives, but if we treat homework and school like an important priority they will too.  The activities that I send home that go along with the Family Times will help with weekly spelling :).

There are going to be a lot of Dec. birthdays due to some of the kiddos half birthdays falling in that month.  If your child's birthday is on a day we don't have school, then we will have it the day before we leave or after we get back.  Depending on what day it is in our 6 day rotation schedule, we will either have snack at 2:05 or 3:00 so I will be trying to contact you about how you would like to celebrate, unless you contact me first :)

Some of the kiddos are still struggling with tying their own shoes.  Please make sure this is something you are working on at home if your child has not mastered this skill yet.  They should be able to do it independently.  

I will be trying to update and upload all the pictures from our Halloween party over Thanksgiving Break. 

If you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a great Thanksgiving break :)
Monday, November 18, 2013

First grade weekly news 11-18-13

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  This week is pretty easy going and normal so there are only a few updates below…

The kids have finished writing about their community project so we started sharing them today.  We only got 5 kids done, but will get more done tomorrow.  They love it!  I am recording all of them and going to put them on the website (hopefully if it works) so you can watch J

Next Week is the all school Read-in which will be at 2:45 in the afternoon.  A flyer will come home about it on Friday.  The kids are allowed to bring books to read from home as well as a blanket or towel to sit on.  We will have the read-in in the gym.

The Harvester’s food drive will stop at the end of this week so if you have any canned goods you’d like to donate send them in.

Next week we don’t have school Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday :). 

That is all I have for this week…if you have any questions or concerns please call or email me.  Have a great week!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

First Grade Weekly News 11-4-13

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Below are a few updates and information for this week.  Not too much going on, a pretty normal week :)

Box Tops Contest- our class got 6th place in the contest, so thank you to those who brought those in to help raise money for our school.  Our class earned a popcorn party and we will be celebrating in our classroom together.  Don't worry, it isn't something that parents need to attend.  Plus, it will be right before our lunch time.  :)

November newsletter will be sent home this week.  Please read through it so you are aware of what we will be learning this month, important dates, and things that are happening in our classroom. 

Homework this week is project-based so please read through all of the info- it is attached to the homework sheet.  We have been focusing on Community in Reading and Social Studies.  I thought this family project would be a great way for the kiddos to expand their knowledge about our own community here at Piper.  I did this project last year and the kids really enjoyed it.  This homework isn't due back until Monday.  Each student will get to share their project with the class, and will also write about it at school.  They will get points on their grade card for Research, and also for Listening and Speaking. 

On Friday, those kiddos who have not gotten any yellow, orange, or red days for the month of October will get to each lunch with me in the classroom.  This is a celebration time for the kids who have show great behavior in the classroom. :)  Be looking for a behavior certificate and sticker in your child's folder later this week. 

That is all I have for updates right now.  If you have any questions please call or email me. 

Have a great week!

Miss A. Brown